Firstly , it designs the structure and functions of the system by the systematic analysis of the design work of the comparison of railway location projects . then , by analyzing the data involved in scrlid , the management of synthesis data in the design environment are proposed and implemented . finally , according to the conventional flow of the scrlid , the development of the subsystem of interactive design for railway location has been implemented 本文主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:以系统的观点对线路方案比选工作做了详细分析,设计了本系统的结构和功能;通过对线路方案比选过程中所涉及数据的分析,提出并实现了对线路方案比选综合数据的管理;通过对线路方案设计过程的分析,完成了交互式线路方案设计子系统的开发。
After this , we track the lower limber motion using the method that finds best parameters that minimize the difference between synthesis data and real data . how to search parameters in parameter space is a problem . traditional methods solve it using optimization techniques 模型跟踪中如何在参数空间中搜索有效参数一直是一个难题,传统方法一般通过优化的方法加以解决,而本文在跟踪过程中,逐个分析各参数的求解,降低了参数空间的维数,使得计算更为简单有效。